April 13, 2005

A picture named Revelations.jpg

NBC finally aired the first part of the new mini-series Revelations.

I love a great God vs. The Devil Story so I tuned in last night.



Knowing what's been going on in the 24/7 news lately and the pandering to the Religious Right, it didn't surprise me to see this on network TV so soon and quite frankly it seemed ridiculous. It's very dark, and cliche fillied, and the plot seems to have evolved from the recent Schiavo case and the End Times sagas. Starting right off with a Satanist and a brain dead girl mumbling in latin, Revelations got right to the point.

From the NY Post: The nearly lifeless child has started quoting scripture in Latin, despite the fact that she has no brain function.

The evil docs want to pull the plug, and so does her dad, who wants her organs harvested for a profit.

All that stands between the scripture-quoting kid and death is Dr. Massey. Huh?

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