April 12, 2005
It's Taser Tuesday

We start with a follow up on a disturbing story from last week. A deputy with an itchy trigger finger answering a domestic disturbance call showed up at the wrong house and tasered an Iraq War Marine in the chest with his 50 thousand volt stun gun.

The Marine filed an internal report and before investigation could begin, the deputy resigned.

A Midland architect dies after being shocked twice with Tasers by Fort Worth police officers. (Passwords here)

Police Taser 'uruly' teenagers.The Marine filed an internal report and before investigation could begin, the deputy resigned.

A Midland architect dies after being shocked twice with Tasers by Fort Worth police officers. (Passwords here)

Police Taser 'uruly' teenagers.

Update on man who died when police tasered him for trespassing.

Another child tasered by police for running away from home, the poor kid even thinks he deserved it.

A student is tasered by police during a lunch-hour scuffle, his mother is outraged, says her son was already cuffed. Her son is the 18th student to be tasered in his county.

Tasers and the Fight Against Police Brutality.

And incase you missed these from last week:

Update on man who died when police tasered him for trespassing.

Another child tasered by police for running away from home, the poor kid even thinks he deserved it.

A student is tasered by police during a lunch-hour scuffle, his mother is outraged, says her son was already cuffed. Her son is the 18th student to be tasered in his county.

Tasers and the Fight Against Police Brutality.

And incase you missed these from last week:

103 Canadians & Americans Stun-Gunned To Death By Police

An innocent man who became quadriplegic after police tasered him wins lawsuit.

17-year-old boy shocked repeatedly by police with 50 thousand volt stun gun, lawsuit pending.

And finally...

Westfield police eager for Tasers

More On tasering here and 103 Canadians & Americans Stun-Gunned To Death By Police

An innocent man who became quadriplegic after police tasered him wins lawsuit.

17-year-old boy shocked repeatedly by police with 50 thousand volt stun gun, lawsuit pending.

And finally...

Westfield police eager for Tasers

More On tasering here and here.

Tags: taser, guns, police, news

Libertarians & Liberals..together?      bastard logic
an early contender for 'cognitive dissonance' moment of 2005:
Lew Rockwell advises libertarians to align with the left, praises left-wing mag here.

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