Terror Drills BlondeSense Yesterday there were terror drills. 16 million dollars worth. Right here in the northeast near New York City. hmm. The Uni
April 5, 2005

Terror Drills BlondeSense

Yesterday there were terror drills. 16 million dollars worth. Right here in the northeast near New York City. hmm.
The United States was today in the grip of the biggest terror exercise in its history as two states flanking New York came under a simulated chemical and biological attack.
US Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff was keen to assure the jittery East Coast population that it was a complete fiction.

"I also want to make it clear that neither the particular locations nor the particular scenarios were picked based on any specific intelligence," he said.

Yeah right. Arbitrary.

And when I read a winger blog from East Armpit, Red State, USA, they are still going on and on about them dang terr'sts and how to defend themselves with their guns. No wonder they don't do terrorist drills there. It would be a bloodbath. heh.

A Defeat for Berlusconi    Politics in the Zeros

and a gay communist victory

In Italy's regional elections, for which voting was held yesterday and today, Silvio Berlusconi's governing coalition has apparently suffered a huge defeat.

The elections brought more good news: in the region of Puglia, in the south of Italy, Niki Vendola--openly gay and a member of the Partito della Rifondazione Comunista--has beaten the incumbent regional president who was a member of Berlusconi's party, Forza Italia.

US Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff was keen to assure the jittery East Coast population that it was a complete fiction.

"I also want to make it clear that neither the particular locations nor the particular scenarios were picked based on any specific intelligence," he said.

Yeah right. Arbitrary.

And when I read a winger blog from East Armpit, Red State, USA, they are still going on and on about them dang terr'sts and how to defend themselves with their guns. No wonder they don't do terrorist drills there. It would be a bloodbath. heh.

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