On MSNBC's coverage of Pope John Paul II, Pat Buchanan's unhinging continues as he tries to tell us that the Democratic party lost itself because of t
April 2, 2005

On MSNBC's coverage of Pope John Paul II, Pat Buchanan's unhinging continues as he tries to tell us that the Democratic party lost itself because of the 60's and 70's cultural revolution.

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For every action there is a reaction Pat. I know that concept is not lost on you. The "revolution" was a boiler plate of pent up repression of decades that finally exploded. I'm sure you will say that many republicans were caught up in the change as well. If not for the "revolution" this country would never have become the super power that it is.

With the dogma associated to the Church, I always wondered if the the bible taught that the world was round, would you and the evangelicals still stick to that belief because it says so in the bible? As time goes on we gain knowledge, and that knowledge leads to change. To change Church doctrine is not selling out, but rather learning and growing. To allow women into the clergy, to soften it's stance on gay rights and to teach contraception would show how far the Church would be willing to learn and grow with society, yet retain the central core values that they have maintained for 2000 years. It would truly be the Church of the people.

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