March 30, 2005

A picture named Dono 003.jpg

via Carpetbagger Report

There are certain American institutions in which secular liberals are supposed to reign supreme. Not many, of course, but a couple. Alas, even the last bastion of this dying breed appears to be under siege. From our friends at James Dobson’s Focus on the Family: A Hollywood project that has successfully trained Christian writers to work from the inside of show business has set its sights on Tinseltown’s executive on

We are taking bets to see just how quickly these new Christain filmakers will take to be: controlled by the secular Jews, like anal sex, get hooked on dope and become libertine (that means promiscuous.) I give it six months. A few casting calls and it'll be all over.

William Donahue's greatest wingnut hit: Video wmp only

There are many to choose from, but this I believe is the #1

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