Night Light "I have to infer from that (statement) that you would be happier if Saddam Hussein were still in power."    - Paul W
March 26, 2005

Night Light

"I have to infer from that (statement) that you would be happier if Saddam Hussein were still in power."    - Paul Wolfowitz

Let's deal with this question once and for all, OK?   It's the classic retort given by neocons and other war supporters whenever anyone questions the wisdom of the Iraq War.   In this case, it was Wolfowitz's response to a student who had just said the following:   "We are tired, Secretary Wolfowitz, of being feared and hated by the world. We are tired of watching Americans and Iraqis die, and international institutions cry out in anger against us." 

Let's say I get disturbed by a spider crawling up the garage wall.  I slam the car into it at 50 miles an hour, destroying the car and causing a few thousand dollars in damage to the garage.  When my wife objects, I say:

"I have to infer from that statement that you would be happier if that spider were still crawling up the wall."    No, schmuck, she says, I'd be happier if we still had a car and didn't have to fork out ten thousand dollars to fix the garage. More...


Not a blog...but extremely useful - Shut The FOX Up!Night Light

"I have to infer from that (statement) that you would be happier if Saddam Hussein were still in power." - Paul Wolfowitz

Let's deal with this question once and for all, OK? It's the classic retort given by neocons and other war supporters whenever anyone questions the wisdom of the Iraq War. In this case, it was Wolfowitz's response to a student who had just said the following: "We are tired, Secretary Wolfowitz, of being feared and hated by the world. We are tired of watching Americans and Iraqis die, and international institutions cry out in anger against us."

Let's say I get disturbed by a spider crawling up the garage wall. I slam the car into it at 50 miles an hour, destroying the car and causing a few thousand dollars in damage to the garage. When my wife objects, I say:

"I have to infer from that statement that you would be happier if that spider were still crawling up the wall." No, schmuck, she says, I'd be happier if we still had a car and didn't have to fork out ten thousand dollars to fix the garage. More...

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