Armed Insurrection
via Oliver Willis: "Priests for Life"
"The Terri Schiavo case has demonstrated that we are being governed by un-elected judges, and that the legislative and executive branches of government lack the will to stand up to them when they authorize acts of violence. The matter therefore, now rests with the people. When government fails to protect life, the people must do so directly. Today must mark the beginning of a new era of civil disobedience and conscientious objection, with simultaneous, determined efforts to curb the authority of the courts and restore government to the people through their elected representatives."
"The Schindler family had every right to fight for their daughter's life. Who ever convinced them that Randall Terry was the guy to lead the charge was very mistaken. Across the MSNBC screen last night I saw the word " Bomb threat." Since Terry has a history of violence towards abortion clinics, this is not surprising. More here"