March 23, 2005

via The Raw Story / NY Times/ SS website (hat tip HF)

Their question 18 Why can't I invest my Social Security taxes into an IRA rplan?


Why can't I invest my rSocial Security taxes into an IRA plan?




I think I could do better if you let me invest the Social rSecurity I pay into an Individual Retirement Plan (IRA) or some other investment rplan. What do you think?


Maybe you could, but then again, maybe your investments rwouldn't work out. Remember these facts:

-Your Social Security rtaxes pay for potential disability and survivors benefits as well as for rretirement benefits;
-Social Security incorporates social goals - such as rgiving more protection to families and to low income workers - that are not part rof private pension plans; and
-Social Security benefits are adjusted yearly rfor increases in the cost-of-living - a feature not present in many private rplans.


r",1] ); //--> Why can't I invest my Social Security taxes into an IRA plan?
Question: I think I could do better if you let me invest the Social Security I pay into an Individual Retirement Plan (IRA) or some other investment plan. What do you think?

Answer: Maybe you could, but then again, maybe your investments wouldn't work out. Remember these facts:

-Your Social Security taxes pay for potential disability and survivors benefits as well as for retirement benefits;

-Social Security incorporates social goals - such as giving more protection to families and to low income workers - that are not part of private pension plans; and

-Social Security benefits are adjusted yearly for increases in the cost-of-living - a feature not present in many private plans.

After he was shown the passage on Thursday, a White House spokesman, Trent Duffy, said: "The president is not talking about this approach.

It must be hard trying to get a plan together when it just doesn't make sense.

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