Will our liberal media say that Bush lied when he said Social Security will be bankrupt? Will our liberal Media say that Bush lied when he said Social Security is in crisis? Our liberal media will broadcast lunatics like Randall Terry though. He's free to call anyone a liar he wants. Even John Fund thinks this guy is a wack job: Hardball : FUND: Chris, one of the worst decisions the Schindlers made was to retain Randall Terry, who has in extreme background in the pro-life movement. This is a man who is under court order not to go near abortion clinics. This is a man who has made many extreme statements.
via Talk Left
House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (MD) responds to the Trustee's social security report and says it confirms there is no crisis and that the President is delaying bipartisan action by pushing his private-account proposal. You can read the report here.
The Agonist has a roundup of blogger comments on the Trustee report.
- Atrios
- Max Sawicky
- Kevin Drum
- Democracy Guy
- Just Another Bump in the Beltway
- Matthew Yglesias and Tapped
- Bob Brigham at There is No Crisis
- Josh Marshall
Brad deLong and Brad Plummer [hat tip Burnt Orange Report.]