Hannity and Colmes had on Randall Terry tonight and Colmes asked:
Colmes: Tell me if this is accurate about you...
Colmes goes on to put forth some truth about the real Randall Terry:
In 1989, he and his followers gathered in front of Boulder CO. physician Warren M. Herns office and prayed for the doctor's execution. In 1993, following the assination of Florida doctor David Gunn, Terry again broadcast a call for Hern's murder...is that accurate.
Terry: Alan, Alan..
Terry: Oh please, it's a bold face lie You're better than that.
Alan: No I'm not.
Terry responds: It's reported that you have been selling cocaine to children.
Hannity comes in to cut off Colmes questions, but at least somebody tried to call him on his history.
Here's some info on Randall Terry and here and here and here and here/ Is that a hairpiece I see?