March 21, 2005

Move Left Media

Joe Lieberman Claims a Social Security Bill Which Hasn't Even Been Written Can Save Us $600 Billion Per Year

Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut is a conservative Democrat.

George W. Bush is trying to rush us into Social Security privatization. Part of Bush's strategy is to say that every year we wait to change Social Security costs $600 billion.

That is false. Social Security is running a surplus. Bush's plan would immediately cause it to run a deficit.

This Bush nonsense was exposed by New York Times columninst Paul Krugman in a March 15 column, which noted that Joe Lieberman is spouting this nonsense as well as Bush ("The $600 Billion Man.)

Lieberman wrote a letter to the New York Times in response (click "more" to continue)

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Move Left Media
Joe Lieberman Claims a Social Security Bill Which Hasn't Even Been Written Can Save Us $600 Billion Per Year

Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut is a conservative Democrat.

George W. Bush is trying to rush us into Social Security privatization. Part of Bush's strategy is to say that every year we wait to change Social Security costs $600 billion.

That is false. Social Security is running a surplus. Bush's plan would immediately cause it to run a deficit.

This Bush nonsense was exposed by New York Times columninst Paul Krugman in a March 15 column, which noted that Joe Lieberman is spouting this nonsense as well as Bush ("The $600 Billion Man.)

Lieberman wrote a letter to the New York Times in response (click "more" to continue)

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