Carrie Underwood and Nikko Smith smoked on American Idol last night. I've found that the singers have been inconsistent this season, but Tuesday's s
March 22, 2005

A picture named AI1.jpgA picture named AI.jpg

Carrie Underwood and Nikko Smith smoked on American Idol last night. I've found that the singers have been inconsistent this season, but Tuesday's show was by far the best. There were other very good performances as well, but I particularly liked these two.

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Helping the contestants was the fact that they had to choose songs out of the Billboard Book of Number ONE Hits, which limited some of the poor song choices that had happened in earlier shows.

The outstanding rhythm section augmented by a full string section and terrific background singers really helped kick the singers into high gear. While the contestants may not be as unique as Fantasia was last year (William Hung need not apply) at least so far, I think this season holds great promise the rest of the way and may very well contain the best overall talent of any of the previous American Idol's.

(ps- Needed to take a break from politics and the lunatic fringe)

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