March 17, 2005

Helsinki - World’s second safest city?

According to a recent report, Helsinki is the world’s second safest city, tied with Berne, Geneva and Zurich. Luxembourg captured first place.

The study used various denominators - including employment, education and housing - to measure living standards.

I guess “road safety” wasn’t part of the study because just in today’s storm, three people have died and many others injured.

…it’s mid-March already!! When the hell is spring coming??


Welcome to America      The Green Lantern

Paris Hilton, Michael Jackson, rotting corpses in the streets of Fallujah, what does it all mean for America? Subversity sums it all up in our featured article:

"The image of Paris, and her surreal reality closely mirrors another Republican ideal. The news, or lack of. The image of the world portrayed in the media is designed for Paris Hilton's reality. One where the events portrayed, and the actors involved, are sometimes real, sometimes government propaganda, and mostly used as a device to keep us baffled by the bullshit. The image of today, as portrayed on TV, is no less surreal that the Paris Hilton show."

Read More.


I guess “road safety” wasn’t part of the study because just in today’s storm, three people have died and many others injured.

…it’s mid-March already!! When the hell is spring coming??

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