March 13, 2005
(Anyone Surprised?)
We're delighted that The New York Times has today decided to take notice of, an organization created by Progressive Bloggers as a way to help see their real stories and real exposés find their way into a corporate media which now consistently slants to the Right.

It is, however, more than a bit disappointing to see that their article on same ends up -- but, of course -- slanting so much to the Right! While their online version of the article links to us, it also fails to link to or even mention it by name. But far more troubling, however, is that Glater spends well over half his ink discussing and quoting from Rightwing blogs and bloggers in his story! on

The NY Times uses Free Republic as the model by which liberal bloggers should get advice from:
"Asked what lessons liberal and progressive bloggers could learn from the experience of FreeRepublic, Mr. Taylor replied that while "I'm loath to give them advice," they might have to outgrow the conspiracy-theory stage of blogging to produce reports that are credible and relevant to a wider audience.

"In the old days of FreeRepublic," he said, "we had all kinds of black helicopters" and speculation about the effect of the Y2K problem. After the world did not end on Jan. 1, 2000, he said, "We tried to be more realistic."

I wonder if the NY Times remembered what Sean Hannity said about Free Republic: Hannity: I left that board in particular, and everyone I knew left, ahhh... because of so much childish, immature personal attacks.

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