via Talk Left: Dan Rather gave his last CBS evening news broadcast tonight. Here's the text of what he said: We have shared a lot in the 24
March 8, 2005

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via Talk Left:

Dan Rather gave his last CBS evening news broadcast tonight. Here's the text of what he said:

We have shared a lot in the 24 years we've been meeting here each evening. And before I say good night this night, I need to say thank you. Thank you to the thousands of wonderful professionals at CBS News, past and present, with whom it has been my honor to work over these years.

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(please link to if you want to post the video-Many websites are linking to the server directly by mistake)

"And a deeply felt thank you to all of you, who have let us in to your homes night after night. It has been a privilege and one never taken lightly.

"Not long after I first came to the anchor chair I briefly signed off using the word 'courage.' I want to return to it now, in a different way, to a nation still nursing a broken heart for what happened here in 2001, and especially to those who found themselves closest to the events of September 11th. read on

The Moderate Voice has a roundup

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