February 23, 2005

A picture named AnnC.jpeg

After many votes were cast, Ms. Coulter won by more than a 2-1 ratio. Later in the week we will put together some of her classic "Wing Nuttery" tirades on video.

We are looking for some help in designing a Tee-shirt and or mug to send her. If anybody wants to help in designing it, please emaill or comment here.

I will be able to get it to her, so all the work that will be done won't go to waste. Thanks for all the votes. I'll list the top 5 in Wing Nut contest.

Anyway here's her tirade on Canada :

Coulter: No, they need us. They better hope the US doesn't roam over one night and crush them. They are lucky we allow them to exist on the same continent!


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