January 28, 2005

In a move probably destined to lead to a hiring of a new analyst, Hannity and Colmes had a laughable "exclusive interview" with Armstrong Williams Friday night.


Williams as you know shamefully took 240,000 dollars from the DOE to promote NCLB. Armstrong is probably begging people to interview him so he can get his face back on T.V. and of course FNC is all to happy to try and rehabilitate another fallen conservative voice.

Armstrong didn't appear all too cheerful, as Colmes did his part in saying:

Colmes: I congratulate you Armstrong, all I get paid by is Fox News. I wish I had your business model, I'd be wealthier.

Williams stammers his response: What you should do, you should try ownership.

Let me interpret: If you own your own business Alan, it will be easier to get paid by the government to promote their policy and hide it.

Then Alan kicked him in the nuts:(explanation: as far as Allan can go on the offensive.)

Colmes: Media Matters points out that you criticized this plan before you got paid to promote it. You criticized the No Child Left Behind plan in a column in May 16th, 2001...

Williams being outed as the fraud that he is said: What?...

Two things here. First, Allan Colmes finally took a Hannity like approach to a republican flunky and second; he used Media Matters as his source of information.

via Media Matters: In 2001, Armstrong Williams criticized aspect of plan he was later paid to promote.

As many of us know Bill O'Reilly is FNC's top rated show and he often attacks Media Matters with his usual panache:

O'Reilly to Media Matters: "[Y]ou character assassins. ... You guys really are despicable weasels"

So for Allan Colmes to use Media Matters as a source of information to debunk a lying liar on Fox News is a rallying point for MM to be even mentioned on FNC; and a slap in the face to O'Reilly.

Hannity tried to ease Williams pain by trying to guide him through his interview and "mistake" by using this idiotic excuse:

Hannity: You always supported it, you just didn't disclose....

Thanks for making our point for us Sean.

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