January 25, 2005

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Sylvester Brown jr of the St Louis Post Dispatch got into it with Bill O'Reilly on The O'Reilly Factor last night.

loose transcript:

Brown: I liken you to Jerry Springer and the impact he had on ....reality TV

Brown: You can talk about Brokaw. You can talk about Russert. You can talk about Cronkite, who work for the "liberal media," but you don't see these guys calling people idiots on the air, you don't see them callin them nuts on the air...

O'Reilly tries to back out of his statements with semantics by using umbrealla statements and saying they have looney, or nutty positions. However, viewers of course will attach these labels to the people he associates them to. So if Barbara Boxer takes "nutty positions" isn't she then nutty? It's a sleazy excuse that doesn't pass the smell test. If you go and read his talking Points segments since the election, he has nary a bad word for any republican or their ideology. Where's the fair and balance in that?

Bill: What I do and say is that there are looney left wing people, or this is nuts, but I never say that she's a nut.

Bill got a little testy:

Bill: You can take your Jerry Springer and you know what you can do with it.

Brown: I can look in the mirror, can you?

Media Matters finds O'Reilly lying about the whold Boxer exchange:

O'Reilly labeled Boxer "a nut" on the January 19 broadcast of Westwood One's The Radio Factor with Bill O'Reilly, as Media Matters documented at the time:

O'REILLY: And, she sponsored a bill to have jet airlines be equipped with missile defense systems. [laugh] It didn't pass because -- so look. I mean, this is a nut. All right? This is a nut we got in the Senate.

hat tip(Eddy)

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