The GOP will drop efforts to change the ethics rules, and will also go back to the old rule that indicted leadership have to surrender their posts.
The response from watchdog groups was bipartisan:
Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, said, "Tom DeLay is a poster boy for ethics problems in the House."
CREW skews left, while Judicial Watch skews right. Both are right.
Republicans gave no indication before the meeting that the indictment rule would be changed. Even more surprising was DeLay's decision to make the proposal himself.
First they're for ethics, then they're against them, now they're for them again.
We all know what that's called, right? Can "The Hammer' remain "The Hammer" after such an ignominious climb-down? Perhaps, we should be thinking more along the lines of The Mallet? And after all the trouble of getting Republican bankbenchers to walk the plank in support of the thing?