BERLIN (AP): California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger suggested in a German newspaper interview published Saturday that the Republican Party should move
December 17, 2004


California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger suggested in a German newspaper interview published Saturday that the Republican Party should move "a little to the left," a shift that he said would allow it to pick up new voters. Schwarzenegger, a Republican, has taken an unorthodox approach since winning office last year -- standing by a promise to toe a conservative line of fiscal matters while veering left on social issues such as gay rights and the environment. California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger suggested in a German newspaper interview published Saturday that the Republican Party should move "a little to the left," a shift that he said would allow it to pick up new voters. Schwarzenegger, a Republican, has taken an unorthodox approach since winning office last year -- standing by a promise to toe a conservative line of fiscal matters while veering left on social issues such as gay rights and the environment.

Dobson and Falwell have yet to respond!

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