December 1, 2004

It's not bad enough that we have to see these radical cleric fundamentalists as supposed experts on "moral values" on shows like Meet the Press, but CNN sinks to a new low with allowing him to become a talk how host! You can see how uncomfortable he is as he tries to tone down his anti-hate rhetoric to appear moderatley sane!

It doesn't take him long to criticize CNN while praising FOX News either.

Carville:...why do we need more and more troops if it's goin so well?

Falwell: I think it is going well(Iraq war). CNN doesn't always get it goes pretty well if you watch it on Fox!


Later on he criticizes condom use even though studies show they are 97% safe.

Falwell: They are lying if they say that condom's are safe!

OK where's the lie there?

Later he concludes:" Don't you think kids can obey instructions today like in yesteryear?

Keep em' in line Jerry!

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