November 1, 2004

FILM SCHOOL: This should be re-created all across the country in every swing state:

"Filmmaker Michael Moore plans to have hundreds of cameras outside polling places in Ohio and Florida on the U.S. election day to watch for attempts to suppress voter turnout.

The director of the documentary Fahrenheit 9/11 announced Saturday a total of 1,200 professional and non-professional cameramen, filmmakers and videographers will bring their cameras to polling places in the two presidential battleground states, especially in minority communities.

"I'm putting those who intend to suppress the vote on notice: Voter intimidation and suppression will not be tolerated," Moore said in a statement."
I'm sure the Publicans will whine about how Michael Moore is suppressing their voter suppression efforts.

Anyone with a video camera, who lives in a swing state, and who has some free time on election day may want to adopt a polling place to make sure the Publicans don't get away with anything.

[Update: Via Atrios, we learn that if any of Michael Moore's army of videographers catches a GOP thug trying to challenge a voter in Ohio, that will be prime evidence at their criminal contempt of court hearing.

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