RIGHT WING DESPERATE SMEAR OF THE DAY: Trying to distract from President Bush's lackluster performance in last week's debate, the right-wing spin mach
October 3, 2004

RIGHT WING DESPERATE SMEAR OF THE DAY: Trying to distract from President Bush's lackluster performance in last week's debate, the right-wing spin machine began circulating a rumor Sen. Kerry had "cheated" by taking a piece of paper out of his breast pocket just before the debate started. The mystery was apparently solved by the New York Post when the paper "reviewed a Fox News Channel feed from Thursday's debate: Kerry pulled out . . . a black pen."

Thanks American Progress Report

Also :

AMERICAblog does it again:

Drudge outdoes himself today with a post claiming Kerry came to the debate podium and allegedly takes a sheet of paper out of his breast pocket. The debate rules apparently say that you can bring NOTHING to the podium not even paper or pencil, and that all the materials will be placed for you on the podium.

Oh, but only as Drudge can do, the video Drudge posts as "proof" on his site bites Bush in the ass. If you zoom the video to full screen (right click on it while it's running and click "zoom" and then "full screen") you can see Bush unfolding a piece of paper and laying it down on his podium!

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