IRAQ NEOCON DARLING A WANTED MAN: In seven short months, Ahmad Chalabi has gone from being President Bush's special guest at the State of the Union (seated behind First Lady Laura Bush) to having an arrest warrant hanging over his head. An Iraqi judge issued an arrest warrant for the former darling of the Bush administration for counterfeiting Iraqi currency and money laundering. (He also has been under investigation for passing U.S. secrets to Iran.) His nephew, Salem Chalabi, the chief prosecutor in the case against Saddam Hussein, has also been charged with participation in the June murder of an Iraqi official who had been investigating the Chalabi family and the Iraqi National Congress for illegally seizing hundreds of properties after the U.S.-led invasion last year. The Los Angeles Times reports, "Supporters like Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz were not available for comment."
By John Amato
— August 8, 2004