August 6, 2004

Paul Krugman VS Bill O'Reilly on Tim Russert's CNBC Show.

Once again Bill O'Reilly exposed himself as a right wing bully! Oh excuse me...a "fair and balanced" right wing bully. The Tim Russert show is much different than "Meet the Press." It was supposed to be a debate, but what it really was, was a platform for Bill other than his show to vent his rage at Paul and the NY Times because they never reviewed any of his books. After the first half-hour where the conversation was mostly about the economy, It didn't take more than three minutes for O'Reilly to arrogantly wave his finger in the face of Krugman because Paul called O'Reilly a liar. Bill kept misquoting Paul's book about how Bush's tax cuts would cause a recession. Krugman obviously knows a whole lot more about economy than Bill O'Reilly, who by the way sided with every Republican theory on economy.(Isn't he an Independent?) The second half dealt with the war in Iraq and that's where O'Reilly put on the boxing gloves. In one exchange about Fahrenheit 9/11. O'Reilly slandered Paul by saying, " A Nazi propaganda movie...cut and paste, hmm... Bush as a corrupter, and you reinforce Krugman's paranoid delusions. Then O'Reilly said," I don't know how any responsible journalist could actually say that propaganda is valuable. I don't know how anybody could do it!

Paul Krugman quickly jumped in with." Well that would kill Fox News entirely!"

O'Reilly's had the audacity to call Krugman’s response "a cheap shot."

Bill got in enough low blows to disqualify Andrew Golota.

It wound up to a feverish pitch by the end when O'Reilly tried to deny that he said that Michael Moore hated America. Krugman was armed with something that infuriates O'Reilly-The Truth-in the form of O'Reilly's own quote from his radio show. Bill blathered on about where Paul got the source of the quote, and tried to defend himself by not disputing the quote but smearing Media In the end it was a sad night for O'Reilly, but it made for some fun viewing.

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