June 21, 2023

Not exactly an auspicious first day of John Eastman's disbarment hearing. Reality is always a bitter pill for the MAGA crowd to swallow.

“I don’t see how Mr. Fried is qualified to be an expert. He has no experience in voting or election matters," the judge told Eastman.

Source: Daily Beast

A disbarment hearing for conservative attorney and former Trumpworld figure John Eastman kicked off Tuesday in Los Angeles. Of particular focus in what is expected to be at least an eight-day affair will be Eastman’s involvement in the development of a bonkers legal plot to keep Donald Trump in the White House, including his authorship of the so-called “coup memo.”

A highlight of Tuesday’s proceedings was Eastman’s attempt to call a man named Joseph Fried as an expert witness. Fried is a public accountant who wrote an eBook that questioned the legitimacy of Biden’s presidential win. California State Bar Court Judge Yvette Roland saw right through the strange request.

“I don’t see how Mr. Fried is qualified to be an expert,” she told Eastman, according to an NPR reporter in the courtroom. “He has no experience in voting or election matters.”

State bar attorney Duncan Carling agreed. “We don’t believe the opinion of a CPA... is relevant,” he said, adding that the accountant “never identified any instances of fraud” in the election.

As always, Trump's MAGA lawyer says he's being treated unfairly.

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