February 19, 2023

A Russian-German woman is outraged that Putin "lies in blood, with feces, penises, and in the grave" in the gallery window somewhere in the redlight district of Hamburg, Germany. Seems about right to me, but had her on the verge of tears. Perhaps she should go back to Mother Russia.

Russia's image in the world has been poisoned for generations by this disastrous and suicidal war in Ukraine, yet it seems that Russians are the last people to realize that.

Source: New Voice of Ukraine

An art installation featuring a model cadaver of Kremlin dictator Vladimir Putin has appeared in a store window on Reeperbahn Street in the center of Hamburg, Germany, according to a video shared by an outraged Russian woman on social media on Feb. 17.

It shows a blood-stained mannequin with Putin's face near a gravestone, at which a German tank is firing red rockets (yes, they are rockets, not what the Russian woman thought).

"I'm standing right in the center of the street," the woman, who was wandering around the red light district at night for some reason, says.

“In the very center of the city. In these obscene places, where there are only prostitutes... This is how our president is treated... Is this normal? That a human is really covered in blood, in poop, in penises. In a grave. How do you like that?”

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