Foxheads Are Shocked, Shocked We Tell You, That Bill Clinton Would Suggest The Tea Parties Are Linked To The Militias
Ed Schultz Talks To Media Matters' Eric Burns About Why Bill-O Will Never Admit To His 'Jail Time' Lie
Right-wingers Think The President Has Gotten Himself All Uppity By Not Showing Those Obama-hating Tea Partiers Enough Deference
O'Reilly Doubles Down On His 'Jail Time' Lie, Says Earlier 'Reports' On Fox Were Legit -- Then Lectures His Critics About Lying
O'Reilly Lies To Coburn: 'Nobody's Ever Said' At Fox You'll Go To Jail If You Don't Buy Health Insurance. Oh Yes They Have.
Al Gore Says It All To Fox's Jesse Waters: 'I Don't Like Ambush Journalism'. Not To Mention The Lying.