Comedy Central's Jon Stewart took Republicans to task for their feigned outrage over the new ad from the Obama campaign, which heaven forbid, subtly questioned his opponent Mitt Romney's judgment on whether he would have been willing to go after Osama bin Laden in Pakistan.
Cue Sean Hannity, John McCain, Michael Turner and Jonah Goldberg all complaining about President Obama politicizing or “gloating about” the killing of bin Laden. Stewart proceeded to lay into them for their hypocrisy.
STEWART: So let me get this straight. Republicans, you're annoyed by the arrogance and braggadocio of a wartime president’s political ad? You think he's divisively and unfairly belittling his opponents. I see. Have a question. Are you on crack!? Were you alive lo these past ten years? It seems unseemly for the president to spike the football. Bush landed on a f**king aircraft carrier with a football stuffed cod piece. He spiked the football before the game had even started!
Yes, your Republican caterwauling in outrage... your caterwauling in outrage is the subject of our new segment:
You are aware that the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex gives us the ability to store and recall past events as they occurred, right?
After taking the likes of Ed Gillespie, George Pataki and Brit Hume to task for their rank hypocrisy as well and for pretending they had no memory of what they said ten years ago, Stewart followed with this:
STEWART: Look, Republicans, yeah, the Obama ad, kinda shitty, a little bit of a cheap shot, but the only reason you're pissed is that you didn’t get to run it, because let's face it, if bin Laden had been killed on Bush's watch, this would have been the ad you're running with.
Cue the over the top fake ad celebrating W's greatness over killing bin Laden. And kudos to The Daily Show's research team for digging up the old clips of Gillespie and Pataki. They need to have their own words thrown back in their face as Stewart did here as often as possible. Lord knows most of the talking heads in our corporate media's excuse for "news" aren't going to do it.