You were sent a Center/Right, Southern, Christian white guy with a 200 I.Q. who could quote the Bible from memory and who gave you 70% of everything you asked for,.
And you spent six years working tirelessly to destroy him.
At the your darkest hour -- at the nadir of the foreign and domestic disasters you created -- you were sent you the calmest, most rational President in modern memory, who offered you unlimited opportunities for genuine cooperation and collaboration over and over again,
And from the first day of his administration you lied and slandered him, turned your racist mob on him and plotted how best to cripple and ruin him behind closed doors. No traitor was too off-the-grid to be denied a seat on Fox News. No failure was too comprehensive to keep you from staging another round of useless show trials and empty gestures.
As a final gesture of goodwill, you were sent the chance to step up and appoint a well-qualified, universally respected, straight-down-the-middle jurist to replace the late and unlamented Antonin Scalia.
Instead you told told the President of the United States to pound sand. That once again you would rather abdicate the most basic function of self-government and leave the seat vacant for a year so that this guy could fill it.
And now you stand in the middle of the wasteland you created and demand to know why no one saved you?
Just, wow.