President Obama faces an obstructionist, disloyal, and perhaps even treasonous Republican Party, an often cowardly Democratic Party with many in the ranks who don't have his back, a media establishment cowed into submission by the right-wing propaganda machine, a divided and apathetic electorate that allows itself to be manipulated by that machine, and a world in which the U.S., through no fault of his, just doesn't have the overriding influence it once had. So, honestly, can you blame him for turning to comedy? Besides, he was really funny, as was his hirsute, spider-bitten interviewer, and it was all for a good cause that Republicans hate. (And all the "worried harrumphing" is just nonsense.)
Bark Bark Woof Woof: Jan Brewer was for the hate bill before she vetoed it.
Pruning Shears: Why it's so important to support independent media.
Zandar Versus the Stupid: Maybe CBS was just tired of running anti-Obama smears.
Lawyers, Guns & Money: The Dems are good for the working and middle classes.
The Moderate Voice: Even young Republicans favor same-sex marriage.
Round-up by Michael J.W. Stickings of The Reaction. (Twitter: @mjwstickings). I'll be here all week.
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