September 23, 2007


It's unbelievable that he said it, but it's not as bad as it sounds. It's just Beck's authoritarian mind at work, in a really bizarre false equivalency way. In a discussion that revolves around honesty, comedian D.L. Hughley bemoans the lack of a clear front-runner in the presidential race. Beck equates that with his notion of electing based on Cult of Personality:

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BECK: ...(Y)ou`re saying that people want somebody that they just think they have all the answers. I`m saying that...

HUGHLEY: No. That`s who we voted for, who we always voted for.


HUGHLEY: I`m saying that that seems to be who we vote for.

BECK: I think people want somebody who have room for doubt, but also have the confidence. I think Jesus Christ and Hitler had a lot in common, and that was they could both look you in the eye and say, "I`ve got an answer for you, follow me." One was evil; one was good. But they both could look you in the eye and have an answer for you. There are very few politicians right now that can look you in the eye and you believe it.

Again, with this kind of incisive political thought, I must ask the question: Why does Glenn Beck have his own show?

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