May 10, 2007

60minutes-dobbs.jpg This is hysterical. After being called out by Lesley Stahl last week on "60 Minutes" about his bogus report on immigrants carrying leprosy into this country, Lou Dobbs and CNN Correspondent Christine Romans still stand by their original claim. Here's a montage from the "60 Minutes" interview and his defense on CNN the other day.

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Orcinus has much more:

Where did Dobbs get his numbers? Unsurprisingly, from a far-right nutcase named Madeleine Cosman:

In addition to writing about the prevalence of leprosy, Cosman, who died in March 2006, told an anti-immigrant conference in 2005 that "most" Latino immigrant men "molest girls under 12, although some specialize in boys, and some in nuns," a variation on a speech she has given elsewhere. [...]

... Madeleine Cosman's false claim that there were 7,000 cases of leprosy diagnosed in the United States from 2001 to 2004 was included in her article, "Illegal Aliens and American Medicine." More than once, "Lou Dobbs Tonight" reporter Romans repeated Cosman's statistic, saying, "Suddenly, in the past three years, America has more than 7,000 cases of leprosy." Read more...

Who are you gonna believe: A "right-wing nutcase" or the Department of Health and Human Services? An "advocacy journalist" with an anti-illegal immigration agenda or "60 Minutes"? The choice is yours (and obvious).

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