February 26, 2007

laurabush-lk.jpg On Larry King tonight, Laura Bush said:

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Laura Bush: This is their opportunity to seize the moment---ahhh---to build a really good and stable country. And many parts of Iraq are stable ahh..now. But, of course, what we see on television is the one bombing a day that discourages everybody.

Cheney OK after Afghan blast:

A suicide bomber killed 19 people and wounded 11 outside the main U.S. military base in Afghanistan on Tuesday during a visit by Vice President Dick Cheney, officials said. The Taliban claimed responsibility and said Cheney was the target..

Wow...And there is: "Iraq's Shiite vice president narrowly escaped assassination Monday as a blast ripped through a government meeting hall just hours after it was searched by U.S. teams with bomb-sniffing dogs. At least 10 people were killed."

That sure sounds stable to me....She actually had the nerve to say this:

Laura Bush:... Nobody wants war. No one's pro-war...

Really? Then why did we attack a country that didn't attack us? I'm just asking.

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