"If one were to draw up a list of American colleges and universities to characterize as Ann Coulter country, Harding University would almost certainly be on it.--- Yet in the days after Hardings announcement, a small group of Harding alumni began voicing their discontent on their blogs. Mike Cope, a minister at Highland Church of Christ in Abilene, Tex., complained that Coulter lives in a black/white Im-right-and-youre-an-idiot world. If you dont agree with her then youre a bleeding heart liberal who doesnt deserve to live here. The problem, he said, was not that Coulter is conservative, but that her views are un-Christian....read on
Soon she'll be the headliner for the Super 8 Motel speaker circuit on her way up to the Catskills.
You gotta love this response from Jason Mattera, spokesman for the Young Americas Foundation: "to disinvite one of the top rated conservative speakers on campuses shows a lack of testicular fortitude.
It depends on who's testicles you're talking about there Jason.